Sunday, August 3, 2014

Human disappearances

I am a firm believer that UFOs are responsible for some human disappearances. The Bermuda Triangle is one region where I believe people are taken from.
The one case that really screamed aliens to me was a case where the entire crew, including the dog were all looking up. They were all found burned to death. This case is very old.
I also believe the Eskimo village was the result of aliens. Even the bodies from the graves vanished. The entire village seemed to vanish in a matter of seconds.
David Paulides in his books Missing 411 talks about a number of very strange cases where people vanish. The elements David has identified are just truly bizarre. The tracking dogs can't get a scent or refuse to track. A number of these cases happen in National Parks but not all.
The Black Eyed Kids phenomenon has very few stories of what happens if you let them in. In one instance a neighbor watched as the kids were let inside. The person who let them in was never seen again.
Aliens take humans for a number of reasons I am sure. Be aware of your surroundings. Don't be last in line in parks. Don't answer the door to the BEKs.

Nazi Bell and alien screams

In search of aliens covered the Nazi Bell this week. The Bell was supposedly the weapon the Nazis were going to use to win the war. In German it was known as the wonder weapon.
The Bell was never found but plans for it were uncovered. The show speculated it might have been a time machine. Interestingly, the Ancient Aliens episode speculated Nazis may have used it to escape.
The show talked about how the Nazis were very interested in the occult. Nazi scientist read ancient poems to develop the shape. They might also have recovered a downed UFO in Germany in 1936. I find it interesting that Nazi and American scientist began developing the same technologies after supposedly recovering a downed flying saucer. A UFO was said to have crashed in The Black Forest.
The show then talked to Stanton Friedman, asking if it was possible Germany developed an advanced weapon. Stan talked about the blacked out documents he received from Freedom of Information Act request. Stan had his book Flying Saucers and Science on the table in front of him.
The show then went to Kecksburg, Pa. Home of the Dec. 9th 1965 UFO crash of an object shaped very similar to The Bell. Stan Gordon, an expert on Kecksburg was asked if the ship was manned by anybody. He said he heard it was but did not elaborate. I can recall a witness to Kecksburg appearing on a UFO program. This witness was a volunteer firefighter. He left the woods and was standing at the back of the fire engine when a loud scream ripped through the woods. It was described as not being made by anything on this planet and scared him to death. I don't believe the Nazi Bell and Kecksburg crash are related. The most interesting part of the show might have been Stan Gordon describing the objects descent.
This show is worth watching weekly.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Death Ray Rocks on Ancient Aliens

Tonights episode of Ancient Aliens was one of the best in the seven seasons of the show. If you missed it you have to watch it.
The episode was all about Tesla. In the history of the show, this episode was one of the most informative. Every year Ancient Aliens puts out one or two episodes which are can't miss episodes, this was one of them.
The show talked about the number of patents he held. It talked about his death ray. It showed the newspaper article from when he was receiving real alien signals. It talked about the 2013 Tesla car. The episode began with his death.
Overall I thought it was a great episode. One I will watch again when I buy the seasons DVDs.

Best Men In Black Video

I have always believed the men in black to be aliens. The strange way in which they talk, act and move seems off. The sudden appearance and disappearance is not humanly possible. A new youtube video showing some of the best clips and pictures of the men in black was posted to youtube by UFO Hunter.
UFO Hunters the television show also did an episode on the men in black. The most dramatic part was when the Mibs killed a witnesses son.
If you see a UFO and the men in black knock on your door, take my advise and don't answer.

Florida company records alien abduction

A Florida company recorded an alien abduction on a security camera. The event started about two in the afternoon when the entire company experienced over two hours of missing time.
The shift change was supposed to happen at three. The employees coming to work were found in their cars in the parking lot.
The entire building lost power. A camera pointing at the front door was operating on a battery backup. It recorded aliens entering the building and walking employees out one at a time. The aliens were the typical greys. They then brought the employees back.
A few employees were not switched off but remained trapped in a glass sealed room. They witnessed the entire affair.
After two hours everyone seemed to wake up. The video footage was found.
Less than a week afterwards the entire company was shut down. The video tape was confiscated.
I first saw this story on a DVD. I later met an employee that worked there. It would be great to hear from other witnesses.

Why I am the leading UFO expert

I consider myself the Worlds Leading Ufologist. I would say passion is the reason why. I have a passion for ufology the likes of which you have never encountered.
I think ufology is the most important subject in human history. It will have the biggest impact on humanity of any other subject.
I have read over 4000 UFO books. I consider reading books the number one way to learn this subject. In my opinion it is the most efficient use of your time.
I love to take knowledge rather than give. I have not made a single dime on my knowledge level. I am interested in the subject for the truth alone.
The vastness of the subject means no single person can learn it all. The data is too great and you fall behind daily. I do my best.
Having a good grasp of history on UFOs helps. Once you learn a case, it doesn't change.
I have never appeared on any television or radio program about ufos. I have never gone to one convention. My nickname is the UFO Science guy for the way I explain the subject. I take it very seriously. If an alien species can get here, it can probably end all life on this planet. I show UFOs great respect.
I also look for friendly alien encounters. What can an advanced species teach us?
You would be amazed!

Great UFO books!

The show PodcastUFO yesterday talked about 75-80% of UFO videos on youtube are fakes. I do not agree that the number is that high, but I will agree its very high. The exceptions are the channels that provide great content. The little guys who post fantastic stuff that gets 5 views. Youtube has changed the field of Ufology. It allows hoaxing on a much broader scale, that is then rewarded with adsense.
Television has become a great medium for UFO knowledge. Shows like Ancient Aliens, Hanger 1, and UFO Hunters appeal to the broader audience. Thirty years ago the UFO content was few and far between.
The internet has made it easier to learn whats new in ufology. Excellent UFO websites will keep you updated daily on the latest happenings.
My favorite source of UFO knowledge is books. In the last few years some of the best books written on the subject of UFOs in its entire history has been published.
The best historical look at the entire field was written by Richard Dolan. Jerome Clark is worth mentioning in here also. Dolan however has literally written great reference tools for UFO history buffs like me. He wrote two books called UFOs and The National Security State that talk about ufology year by year.
Leslie Kean wrote a little book called UFOs Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On The Record. It is perhaps the most credible book on ufology ever written. It includes only the most credible cases in history.
The next book I would call just plain fun. Its a book unlike any other in ufology because the author did not judge. Ardy Clarke's book Encounters with Star People will have you telling your friends the stories out of it.
The scariest book on ufology in a while is Alien Viruses based on the Majestic Twelve documents. This book includes information on MJ not previously released.
The Worlds top mind in ufology could have been Dr. James Mcdonald. Ann Druffel wrote the book Firestorm about him. Firestorm will show you the character of Mcdonald. A great historical look at a great man.
Two UFO crashes have been studied for many years and then great books written about them. The first is The Aztec Incident by Scott and Suzanne Ramsey. The research has turned this case from hoax to real.
The second is my new favorite ufo book, Finding the UFO Crash on the Plains of San Augustin by Art Campbell. I cannot stress the magnitude of this book. If someone ask you for proof of UFOs hand them a copy of this book.
Books are still the greatest source of knowledge on ufology. If you are not reading you are missing out. Television and the internet are improving greatly in providing raw knowledge but I still love a good book.