Monday, October 23, 2017

Did aliens create youtube channels?

I have been reaching alien origins for several months. I wanted to wait to inform everyone of what I am about to tell you until I had copied down all the data on pen and paper. It's about my Alien Races 2 playlist on youtube. I have no idea what's going on but let me share two observations with you.

1. The videos are done from the perspective of an alien addressing humans. Especially, the everything you wanted to know videos.

2. There's throw away sentences which are facts, which no human would know. A for instance, in one video the moon is mentioned. Then a sentence about the Star and constellation where the moon originated, then back to the topic.

All the videos are done with computer voices. Two of these channels started on youtube 6 months ago. Another weird thing is the timeframe of how fast they are being posted, daily, versus the amount of research being put into them. It would take a ton of reading, or a research group to produce these videos. 

I don't trust computer voiced channels. Some data is channeled and I prefer to have many cases where multiple people see the same type of craft and aliens. 

The data is interesting enough that I want you to watch several videos and decide for yourself. I wrote down all the data in case the channels get deleted. Multiple websites on alien origins got deleted this year.