Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Mandela Effect Chosen

The Mandela Effect is a brand new phenomenon. 

Let's look at this logically. In the last 500 years the position of South America has not changed. On any map, at any time.If it had it would have been written about and a huge deal. It never was written about because it was fixed. It was solid. 

The Bible is the same way. If changes had happened to the Bible it would have been a big deal. It would have been written about. Think of how many people are catching Bible changes daily now. The Bible is read daily. The Bible was solid, fixed, or it would have been written about. 

Human anatomy is the same way. If the position of the heart had changed, it would have been a big deal and written about. 

I'm not talking about in fringe sources. I'm talking about mainstream, scientific journals. 

The country of Mongolia appeared out of no where for me a year ago. A family member told me the country of Mongolia's been a country for them for over sixty years. Logically, we did not originate from the same place. 

Logically, those experiencing the Mandela Effect are chosen. It is not everyone.

If you have a choice of choosing x number of souls out of 7 billion to experience the Mandela Effect, are you going to choose bad people or good? Are you going to choose smart or dumb? I would choose smart, good people, logically speaking.

There's another angle though. Suppose David Icke is correct and Draco Reptilians with the power to switch dimensions run our Planet. They logically speaking would put me last on the 7 billion list to gift with the power to switch dimensions via the Mandela Effect. However, another species looking to fight them would choose people capable of defending the human race against them across dimensions and I'd probably jump high on that list. 

I am experiencing the Mandela Effect. I logically assume the Draco's are not behind it. I know humans can't do it. My logical conclusion is that an alien species has chosen certain members of the human race to experience the Mandela Effect. 

They chose us for a purpose. 

Let's not disappoint them. Wink!

1 comment:

  1. I agree based upon how I experienced the Mandela effect. At the time my journey of self discovery had led me to knowledge that my beliefs shape my reality. So I decided "ok, I accept this thought". I also try to live my life from a positive point of view and ironically, days before I had a big welcome to the M.E. I was At the movies with my kids watching Alice in Wonderland and I say " I Love time travel". These things all occurred within days of each other. So then a day or two later: BOOM ! My reality changed. I experienced the effect loud and clear. But , it wasn't until I was ready for it and had basically said yes, I am in agreement with a fluid reality. Cheers from Almedia78 :)
