Sunday, November 19, 2017

Mandela Effect grants my wish

I love the subject of Aliens. I mean, my brain thinks about aliens constantly. You need to be aware of this to process what I am about to relate.

In 2014, November 12th, I wrote a blog post called Three UFO Book Ideas. In it, I said I would like an author to write a ufo book with all alien sightings from a year. 

In 2015 the Mandela Effect hit.

In the last months of 2015 the book series Humanoid Encounters by Albert Rosales began to come out.

Fifteen books total, covering thousands of Alien cases from year 1-2015.

First off, Albert had a database, which was available to look at on the web out there. I'd never heard of Albert Rosales in 40 years of ufo research. I also had never seen his cases, until 2015.

His books were exactly what I wanted. I wrote what I wanted on the web. Albert stopped keeping track of cases in 2015, the same year the Mandela Effect hit. 

It's possible Albert and me are from different dimensions. It's also possible a time traveller changed the timeline in 2015 after reading my blog.

I've said I think the Mandela Effect is good. It gave me exactly what I wanted. I love Albert Rosales books and research. I am currently on my third time of going through his books. I recommend everyone buy all 15 of his books. 

Whatever the Mandela Effect is. It gave me exactly what I asked for. Personally, based on this, I think the Mandela Effect is good.

I'm glad the Mandela Effect let me see Alberts research.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Mandela Effect Good

My current Mandela Effect Theory. (Subject to change at a moment's notice.)

Lone Eagles youtube channel has video proof technology is moving backwards in time. Check out the videos, yes I said videos from the 1800s.

My current theory is actually my original theory, it's just more provable now. In my opinion the Mandela Effect is a combination of dimension shifts and time travel. 

I say dimension shifts because every person seems to be from a different previous dimension. Time Travel because technology is moving backwards in time, being invented earlier and earlier.

I said the Mandela Effect shows targeting and that argues time travel. The word Sith from Star Wars appeared in the bible. I argued in my last post a time traveller had to work on the original Star Wars trilogy. 

My current thoughts. The time travellers have to look human. The funny part is working on Star Wars they could be real aliens pretending to be fake. This argument will not work for other Mandela Effects. The Bible and other changes would have to look human. The word Sith, two youtube channels caught the word change the day it happened. 

Studying aliens, I want to say that they seem more logical as the cause of the Mandela Effect. Go back to my Logically Speaking Mandela Effect for reasons.

The big question, why? Making humans more technologically advanced sooner seems like a good thing. We don't know the future though. Is it an artificial intelligence causing m.e.? Whatever it is, it didn't kill everyone. That argues it's good. We don't know the future though. Maybe an alien invasion hits. Future humans go back in time to give us a better chance. 

The Bible changes could be used to argue the M.E. is a bad thing. They can also be used to prove that humans are not behind the m.e. Nobody who believes in the bible would change it. An opponent of the bible could just wipe it out of existence. By changing the bible, an alien species could ensure they got humans attention. 

The Mandela Effect is no accident. 

My current theory: Friendly Aliens with abilities to cross dimensions, time travel, mimic or shapeshift into humans is behind the Mandela Effect. 

I think the speed with which everyone shifted dimensions points to aliens. I also believe going back and changing the timeline has a purpose. 

The result of the Mandela Effect so far is a higher level of technology and that's a good thing. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Proof of Time Travel

Lone Eagle on his youtube channel has a series called tech before it's time.

DC's Legends of Tommorrow tonight made me realize something. Technology builds on other technology. If technology is moving backwards in time, as it appears to be doing then the ground-breaking revelation is that is proof that part of the Mandela Effect involves time travel. 

Lone Eagles videos keep showing technology moving backwards in time. It's being invented at earlier and earlier dates.  

This is not the result of dimension shifts. This is the result of time travel.

I want to argue that this is a good thing. Someone is making us more technologically advanced sooner.  On the flip side the singularity will hit much sooner. 

The time travel could explain why the Mandela Effect seems to target certain things, like Star Wars and the Bible. 

If time travel is involved an alien species that was hostile would just wipe us out in the past. That didn't happen. 

The famous JFK assassination video is now in color with 6 people. It used to be in black and white with 4 people. Just one example of technology moving backwards because of the Mandela Effect.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Did aliens create youtube channels?

I have been reaching alien origins for several months. I wanted to wait to inform everyone of what I am about to tell you until I had copied down all the data on pen and paper. It's about my Alien Races 2 playlist on youtube. I have no idea what's going on but let me share two observations with you.

1. The videos are done from the perspective of an alien addressing humans. Especially, the everything you wanted to know videos.

2. There's throw away sentences which are facts, which no human would know. A for instance, in one video the moon is mentioned. Then a sentence about the Star and constellation where the moon originated, then back to the topic.

All the videos are done with computer voices. Two of these channels started on youtube 6 months ago. Another weird thing is the timeframe of how fast they are being posted, daily, versus the amount of research being put into them. It would take a ton of reading, or a research group to produce these videos. 

I don't trust computer voiced channels. Some data is channeled and I prefer to have many cases where multiple people see the same type of craft and aliens. 

The data is interesting enough that I want you to watch several videos and decide for yourself. I wrote down all the data in case the channels get deleted. Multiple websites on alien origins got deleted this year.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Mandela Effect Chosen

The Mandela Effect is a brand new phenomenon. 

Let's look at this logically. In the last 500 years the position of South America has not changed. On any map, at any time.If it had it would have been written about and a huge deal. It never was written about because it was fixed. It was solid. 

The Bible is the same way. If changes had happened to the Bible it would have been a big deal. It would have been written about. Think of how many people are catching Bible changes daily now. The Bible is read daily. The Bible was solid, fixed, or it would have been written about. 

Human anatomy is the same way. If the position of the heart had changed, it would have been a big deal and written about. 

I'm not talking about in fringe sources. I'm talking about mainstream, scientific journals. 

The country of Mongolia appeared out of no where for me a year ago. A family member told me the country of Mongolia's been a country for them for over sixty years. Logically, we did not originate from the same place. 

Logically, those experiencing the Mandela Effect are chosen. It is not everyone.

If you have a choice of choosing x number of souls out of 7 billion to experience the Mandela Effect, are you going to choose bad people or good? Are you going to choose smart or dumb? I would choose smart, good people, logically speaking.

There's another angle though. Suppose David Icke is correct and Draco Reptilians with the power to switch dimensions run our Planet. They logically speaking would put me last on the 7 billion list to gift with the power to switch dimensions via the Mandela Effect. However, another species looking to fight them would choose people capable of defending the human race against them across dimensions and I'd probably jump high on that list. 

I am experiencing the Mandela Effect. I logically assume the Draco's are not behind it. I know humans can't do it. My logical conclusion is that an alien species has chosen certain members of the human race to experience the Mandela Effect. 

They chose us for a purpose. 

Let's not disappoint them. Wink!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Alien World Order

I wrote the post about aliens running the Planet the other day and then I went to the book store and what did I find. 

Literally, hours after writing that post I bought the book Alien World Order by Len Karsten. It literally covers everything I was thinking. I came to the conclusion aliens run our Planet by logic. The cover-up of ufology is too large to have been instigated by any group of humans. 

The book Alien World Order is fantastic. My good friend, and one heck of a guy, Robert Morning Sky is prominently featured in the book talking about what he knows about the history of aliens on planet Earth. The information I deduced from logical thinking is collaborated on a number of points.  Len used multiple sources to weave a narrative that has me taking notes on many pages. I recommend you buy this book but I want to mention two things the book has said so far that caught my eye.

The weapons were sound based really struck a cord with what I saw happen on 3/10/09. 

The second things is that they use money as a control system. On my youtube playlist under ufos is a video about the dead sea scrolls. It's also an hour long lecture on how aliens control money. It's hilarious, and like a comedy routine. These two guys concluded aliens run money by studying money. 

The Reptiles I knew had the power to cross dimensions. This is very important for those studying the Mandela Effect. On page 44 it talks about how they mastered the ability to switch a consciousness from one body to another. Quite literally, the reptiles now have the ability to pull off every aspect of the Mandela Effect according to alien sources. I was floored.

The book further talks about an alien race from Sirius. I used my notes on alien origins to look at all the species claiming to be from Sirius. I found 6. Either, somebody's lying or it's one crowded planet. Maybe they are from different planets or the same region. I just found this interesting. 

I also looked at my notes for Tabby's Star and found 6 races claiming to be from that direction. I found the most interesting thing in the Russian Book of Alien races. The Solipsi Rai are said to be from that direction, and possess a massive weapon. Luckily, they are friendly. I told this info to the people studying that star and if they wanted my help, just ask. I think the period dimming of that star points to something natural, however I think the dimming of the Star over years points to aliens. 

Have a good day everyone, and if you haven't read it yet, pick up a copy of Len's book, Alien World Order.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Distress Signals

The Mandela Effect has changed the Earths location in the Milky Way Galaxy.  Logically speaking it's affecting every other Planet in our Galaxy as well. 

Korea was below Japan in my original dimension. It moved to above Japan, now it is beside Japan.

Geography has changed several times. It has probably changed several times on other Planets.

Imagine trying to find your home Planet in the vastness of space. The Mandela Effect keeps moving it.

Earth needs to be sensitive to aliens stranded in space because of the Mandela Effect. We need to realize how would we feel if this situation happened to us. How would we want another species to treat us?

Alien ufologist

I have said before aliens run our Planet. Humans that work for those aliens should quit. Other than that a human should gather information on the aliens running our planet. I believe these aliens are gathering information on humans they consider a threat to them through electronics. Do not give out information to your enemy, another species, on the internet. 

I believe these aliens goal is to separate humans and keep them at war.

I further believe multiple people are posing as Ufologist. These are either, Aliens in disguise or human collaborators. Anybody who says, Aliens do not exist, Majestic Twelve is not real, and or any other aspect of ufology somebody claims is not caused by aliens is suspect. Cattle Mutilations, crop circles, and alien abductions are all caused by aliens. What I am seeing is multiple high level ufologist arguing against one aspect of ufology. Alternatively, I'm seeing ufologist arguing against all of ufology except for one case or writing books claiming every explanation except aliens. I have suspected for years ufo organizations are corrupt. They are either alien run or alien collaborators. I can name many names. I suspect ufology is heavily infiltrated, but other areas of life are also. No human who looks objectively at the data will conclude anything other than aliens.

Meaning, a whole bunch of humans are either complete idiots on ufology. I am talking about ufologist here or they have an agenda. I'm assuming they know the truth but have an agenda. 

I would like to mention a few other things, as many of you know I am researching Alien origins. You would all find it interesting that I'm finding as many as thirty cases about a species however, when I searched the Mufon database for the names of several species. Their names are not in the Mufon database. The mufon database is missing or has had deleted the names of Alien species. 

I am also concerned about evidence of aliens. I am seeing very good pieces of evidence of aliens being handed over to former intelligence agents, and mufon. I feel this evidence is now compromised.

I feel science has been heavily infiltrated. Seti is a joke in my opinion. They are aliens or collaborators. The NSA was monitoring two times more Americans as Russians. The aliens are monitoring their enemies. They own the media. They control our nuclear weapons. They keep us divided into countries. They want us to think of ourselves as Americans first, and humans second. 

I want ufologist to be informed and remember aliens run Earth. Ufologist new job, start researching them. Earth belongs to humans, let's start getting our Planet back. We need whistle blowers to start coming forward about the aliens that run everything.

Anybody who says, Aliens don't exist. Is the enemy. 

Research for yourself. 

I'm human! I do my own research. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Black Eyed Kids Purpose

What is the purpose of Black Eyed Kids?

Over the last week on Fantastic Daily youtube channel a number of videos offer visual proof that the greys are involved with the black eyed kids.

In the door was open for several minutes video at 12:45 The railing between the house and chairs lights up at an angle. A second beam of light in the same photograph seems to come down through the roof and enter the front door. My personal experience with ufos leads me to think two ufos were up above. Each projecting one beam of light. Later, at 1:02 The photo shows a streak of light heading out the door and up. The door was said to have been slammed at 1:02 and the heart rate monitor confirms this. My thinking is that a grey alien transformed into a ball of light and went back to its ship. It was caught in a photo. The witness a few days earlier had an hour and a half of missing time. Finally, right before the front door opened, the witness fell asleep. David Jacobs went into great detail in his last book about how the greys put humans to sleep. A few days earlier a set of photos from his second camera showed the same streaks of light as the 1:02 photo. My thinking is these were grey aliens. Two beks can be seen in the same photograph.

My brain began to question, what's the purpose of beks? My pet theory is that they are robots programmed with a limited vocabulary. The best theory I can come up with is that they are a social experiment. They are trying to see if they can gain entry into peoples houses. However, this makes no sense. The greys could use hybrids for this task.

My own knowledge of the greys is that most of them are dead after their planet was destroyed on 3/10/09 so why bother with this witness? David Jacobs had no cases in his book after 2009. Also, how did these greys survive? 

I assumed the black eyed kids were robots created by the greys based off of the evidence I'm seeing with my own eyes. 

Then I got to thinking, many races of aliens exist in the Universe. What if the black eyed kids are not robots? What if they are a race of aliens. More specifically what if they are a parasite race. 

Another species would not specifically build a bunch of robots that look human. Also, another batch that looks like greys, and so on.

My current thinking is black eyed kids are in fact a parasitic race of aliens able to take over a human host, and also a grey alien host. I think they are spreading.

I think the purpose of Black Eyed Kids is to spread the parasite. The parasite could be part organic and part computer. You have to give it permission to enter. I liken it to the rules of robotics, do no harm. I can't infect you unless you invite me. 

I'm just spit balling ideas here but I thought I'd share. This post is meant for the government. If anyone has any thoughts leave them in the comments or contact me.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

UFO Sightings Desk Reference

I have never said a bad word about any author on Amazon. (Well once but I deleted it.) I like to give Authors credit and I always give 5 Star reviews. 

If I do not write a review of your ufo book and you know I bought it, well, let's just say I'm trying to be nice. 

I ordered Cheryl Costa's new ufo book UFO Sightings Desk Reference book before the big review came out about it and the entire World ordered it.

I got it today. I read the entire book in an hour and that included me taking a shower. 

I was disappointed, is a good word. I expected more for my money. The book is over 32 dollars and 320 something pages are statistics breaking down ufo sightings by State, Month, Shape and County. 

I have read Cheryls work and I love her work. It's just, The book does not get down to individual sightings. It's literally, just numbers. I know her and her partner worked really hard to put the book together so I hate being critical.

A few more observations, she multiplies the number of sightings by 10 on one page, but not the other number she's looking at, and then tries to argue 6% of sightings are unexplained. The Robertson Panel of the CIA came up with that little gem of misinformation. Also, she uses Mufon as a source. Say it with me kids, The Committee to Reform Mufon found 60% of Entity cases missing from the database each month. The data is highly flawed and suspect.  

The beginning of the book is a We love mufon part. I laughed out loud reading it.

At least Alejandro Roja's got a shout out. So did many other great Ufologist. 

I just expected more for my money. I'm not sure how this data can be useful in my ufology research. 

I can't correlate cases individually. I was hoping to compare this data. A number isn't that helpful. 

Especially when I believe Mufon to be a government front. 

I will still continue to read Cheryl's work online. I think Cheryl's great I just wish I liked the book. 

I will not be writing an Amazon review.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

World Book Day

In celebration of World book day, I am going to talk about three UFO authors.

Ardy Sixkiller Clarke has written three UFO books. Her books are about stories of the Star People told by native American Indians. I love her books. There are some truly fascinating cases in her books. Her books are called, Encounters with Star People, untold stories of American Indians. Her Second book is Sky People, Untold stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica. The third is titled, More Encounters with Sky people urban American Indians tell their stories. I recommend buying all three. Ardy is also super nice. By collecting and sharing these stories Ardy has preserved a history that I and the rest of ufology thank her for. She is truly a remarkable woman and inspiration. I just ordered her third book.

Jason McClellan has wrote a UFO book. It does have kind of a long title, Only Weirdos see Ufos; An introduction to the public's misperception about unidentified aerial phenomenon and Extraterrestrial life. The books purpose according to Amazon is to provide an introduction to ufology. This book is currently number one on my wish list. I know Jason as a UFO researcher of the highest caliber. 

Finally, Preston Dennett has two books on my wish list. Inside Ufos and Ufos over Arizona. The previous books he has written are all exciting reads and some of my favorite UFO books. 

These three authors are all fantastic and I recommend buying all these books. 

Updated Roswell Revealed

Roswell Revealed is one of the three books that proves aliens exist. It does this by proving Roswell had to be an alien spacecraft.

I was just looking at the company that published the book on Amazon. Amazon does not want you to have this book. The only way you can find it, is to type in the book name. Typing in Sunrise information services did not bring it up. 

I bought the color version of the book. Now it's selling on Amazon for $600.00 dollars. In all honesty, it's worth that price for the information it contains.

Sunrise also wrote a second book called Can Ufos  Advance Science? I recommend buying both books.

I am writing this to inform you Sunrise has updated and expanded Roswell Revealed with a 2016 update. It came out November 1, 2016. Sunrise added about 250 pages to the book. 

It does not have one review. It's Amazon sales rank is almost 7 million. The only review on the version I own, is mine.

I'm saying buy this updated version of the book. Now! 

I love Sunrise. They are awesome. They are an Australian think tank who publish original research. 

I would buy any UFO book Sunrise publishes. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Studying hundreds of alien species makes one realize how many species of aliens exist out there. 

In my research I am writing down ship details, descriptions of the aliens and finally what Planet and Constellation they claim to come from.

How many species of green aliens can you name? Did you know, Zar ships are Saturn shaped?

The details have been passed from multiple witnesses, in multiple languages, over hundreds of years. If witnesses claims hundreds of years apart to see the same species and live on different continents and all the details match. The odds of two people making up the same aliens are astronomically small. In fact, logic dictates they probably exist and are real given those facts.

The Dotumi are a race I literally jumped up and down when I heard about them. I thought I had found the species that destroyed the greys. They are from the Planet Dotumi in the Lyra Constellation and have been seen on Earth across time.

The Dotumi are 10 feet tall, black, have big ships. Communicate by telepathy, see by infrared and live in a World of sound. 

Every fact above matches the species that destroyed the greys on 3/10/09.

There are some differences though. The Dotumi have hands. They have normal size heads, and they are from The Milky Way.

The species I saw had claws, enormous heads, and came from The Andromeda Galaxy. 

I believe these two species are different but share many characteristics in common. The sound fact is particularly intriguing.

I don't believe it was the Dotumi that destroyed the greys. 

Fun fact, Dotumi aliens are extremely friendly to humans. If your a Dotumi alien reading this, welcome to Earth.

Another fun fact, one alien race said, "We live near the Zonneri."

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Major Blacks Eyed Kid Drama

Major drama occurred this week on the youtube channel, Fantastic Daily. 

I watched Tyler of Secureteam's video and that got me researching Black Eyed Kids. 

I had seen Fantastic Daily's video on Black Eyed Kids arrested Seven Months ago. 

I spent a day catching up on his other videos. He has some amazing content including audio of two Black Eyed Kid encounters. He used this audio to lure a Bek to his front door and video taped it. Then he filed a police report on the incident.

Finally, he had an update on his channel to the two Beks arrested in Manchester and the police audio from Dispatch to a vehicle transporting them. 

I have to say, I think the combined videos posted on this channel are the scariest thing I have ever seen on youtube.

I'm serious when I offer this warning. Do not watch the videos on this channel at night. The Beks seem to communicate with an audio signal that sounds like static and you do not want to bring these things to your door by playing this audio. They seem to be Nocturnal. 

I also found a video about Beks where a New Yorker riding the Subway fell asleep. He woke up and went to step off the train and saw many beks surrounding him. He fainted.

Finally, Phantoms and Monsters posted a story about a black eyed being that was part Bek and part ghost. Well worth reading.

What are these things? One theory I heard was that it's a black sludge infecting human host. It's an alien parasite, so to speak.

Fantastic daily had one story about a normal kid, who turned into a Bek. 

These things seem to be hunting humans and increasing in numbers.

Not a good combination if your human.

Good Luck!

Don't invite them in.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Alien Origins

I have been researching Alien Origins. I am in information overload. 

Albert Rosales wrote 15 books covering the years 1-2015. The majority of the stories are aliens and ufo seen together. 

I have 26 pages of data so far front and back and I am only up to 1974. 

The really interesting part is finding so many cases where the stories collaborate each other. 

Let me give you an idea of an Alien species seen many times. The aliens come from a Planet called Zonneri. They are Zonnerians.

Hybrids look human but have green skin. Pure bred Zonnerians are dwarfs. Green skin on top with clover hoofs for feet. Zonneri ships have crashed. Also, hybrids wear white robes and carry staffs. When a Zonneri dies they plant a tree in it's honor. Zonneri are a friendly species. 

In my opinion, the case of the two green skinned children in England, they were hybrid Zonnerians.

Interestingly, the Satyr's are a completely different alien species.

I am also going to go through all my ufo books and pull this data out. 

I am also working on a UFO crash list as well.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Alien attack on Earth

My current Mandela Effect theory is that it is not caused by anything on Earth.

We need to come together as a species. We are all human. We all live on this Planet.

The Mandela Effect is an attack on our Planet meant to separate us. 

I believe the Mandela Effect shows an intelligence behind it by attacking things like the Bible and Movies.  

No parallel dimension will have a bible that is unreadable or C3PO changing colors throughout three movies. 

The Earth supposedly moved 80,000 light years but the stars are all in the same positions.

Only certain things are changing, not everything. Certain items are being targeted.

Most things are not changing at all. 

I believe the changes are meant to confuse and separate humans. 

I don't know the mechanism for how the attack is being carried out but I will start thinking about that next.

In summary my current theory is the Mandela Effect is an attack on the Planet Earth from a hostile alien species.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


One of the biggest questions I had concerning the Mandela effect is residue. I have seen a ton of Residue lately, including on Scorpion last night they quoted the line," We're gonna need a bigger buoy",(boat) instead of Your.

The question is how can I account for residue?

The answer is I believe everything you touch is imprinted with your quantum signature and follows you through dimensions.  

A movie made with a silver C3PO leg in this dimension will turn everything in this dimension to a silver leg. If it's not directly related to the movie and you touched it last I believe Gold examples were items anchored to you that got pulled into the current dimension by following you. They are imprinted to you.

I believe this also explains why the Bible changes have residue in items not related to the Bible. 

Whatever you touch last is encoded to you. 

That's why some family members remember the bathroom one way and others another.

How to solve the Mandela Effect?

I believe to solve the Mandela Effect every person needs to become an expert on parallel dimensions. 

I actually think the Mandela Effect can be solved and the solution lies in researching Parallel dimensions.

You will be constantly jumping dimensions, so you can find different research on parallel dimensions all the time. 

May the Force be With Us!

Friday, February 3, 2017

Destroying Mandela Effect theories

There are a lot of theories about what is causing the Mandela Effect out there. I want to logically explain why I believe a number of them are incorrect.

Let's start with UFOS. I have read 4200 ufo books so I cannot have a conversation on ufology with the average person. My brain, off the top will flat out tell you, you are wrong and then back it up with what books prove you wrong. The average person does not have the base knowledge to argue with me. I tell you that because I have spent thousands of hours studying the Mandela effect. I want to come at it from an intelligent, knowledgeable position. 

I write this blog on ufos but the Mandela Effect is changing our reality, and that is a more immediate concern. I keep studying it for that reason.

I also am laser focused on trying to find out what is going on, what caused it, is it reversible. I am most interested in the cause. 

You can give examples of Mandela Effects all day long but you will be no closer to solving the Mandela Effect. You studied it's changes, not focusing on what is causing the changes. It's good to document, the changes are data that is very important. Anybody that documents the changes is heroes in my book.

I am an authority on the Mandela effect because I have spent thousands of hours studying it.i am laser focused on the cause so let's look at common Mandela Effect theories.

We are shifting to higher frequencies.

The biggest problem I have with this theory is that it is centered on you. There are still 7.4 billion people out there. Even though some realities had 9.5 we still have mass murders, people in politics and not a higher class of being. It's the same, maybe a few less. According to this theory everything is better. Really, have you seen the Bible. It's a mess. Spelling has gone down hill on products to where you have to pronounce them differently. The answer to the Mandela Effect is not that we are shifting frequencies. If so, jail inmates should have vanished.

We are living in a holographic universe.

This one is probably the hardest to disprove. The biggest argument against it comes from reading thousands of online comments. If reality changed memories should still be the same, yet you have 7.4 billion people with different past memories. They came from somewhere. Another argument I could make against this theory involves people switching their memories back and forth. I guess I look at it from a perspective of this is one massive operation. If it's one being rewriting us, it's a monumental job. I watched Star Wars four times in one day from the same source and it was different every time. Imagine, rewriting 7.4 billion memories every 2 hours. That's just on this Planet. The Earth moved 80,000 light years so logically speaking the Mandela Effect should be hitting the entire Milky Way, or the entire Universe. How many aliens would have to be rewritten every two hours? Work fast, I don't buy that an army could do this.

Dimensions are collapsing.

I want you to keep in mind the two hour change. If dimensions are collapsing how do you explain the backwards knowledge level on the Mandela effect. Let me explain. In July of last year youtube had 500,000 videos with Mandela Effect in the title. More people were searching Google for Mandela Effect than new car. Now look at youtube over the last month. It's like thousands of new people just discovered the Mandela Effect. The percentage of people who know about the Mandela Effect went downwards. That's astonishing. If dimensions are collapsing that would not have happened.  A loss of knowledge argues against anything collapsing.

Finally, the two human theories as I call them. Cern and the dwave Computer. 


I argued it would take an army to accomplish what we are seeing with the Mandela Effect. Cern doesn't have an army. They are not firing up the collider every two hours to make everything change. 

In the history of the human race no human has had the capabilities we are seeing with the Mandela Effect.

Smashing particles together is not going to cause 7.4 billion people to have memories of different universes every 2 hours. If you read comments humans are being jumbled up or changed constantly. One human argued it's Sex in the City, then the next day argued It's Sex and the City. The sheer magnitude of the size of the Mandela Effect argues against any type of human cause.


The changing of a single bit in a computer from a 1 to a 0 or the coexistence of those bits is not going to effect the changes seen in the Mandela Effect. Even if you used 7.4 billion bits, to visit that many universes you are still not demonstrating the capabilities shown with the Mandela Effect. Are they firing up the Dwave every two hours to rewrite the memory of 7.4 billion people? 

Cern and Dwave are not the answer to the Mandela Effect. Smashing particles or changing bits is not the answer when you look at the data presented in thousands of online comments by people on the Mandela effect.

Anybody who thinks Cern or Dwave is the answer has not done their research on the Mandela effect.

I have. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

What Aliens told me about the Mandela Effect

Multiple alien species answered my request for an exchange of information on the Mandela effect. 

They all told me the same thing. 

I am going to draw a line, if you do not wish to know do not read below the line. 

The information came in the form of conversations in my dreams. The interesting thing is multiple species contacted me that way, and said, the exact same thing. 

I hope advanced alien species are wrong, the information is extremely bad. If you do not wish to know stop reading now.


The Mandela Effect is a doomsday countdown for the entire Universe. It's literally how the Universe will end. 

Matter will continue to jump dimensions faster and faster and faster until it disappears.

I don't know how long we have but I have seen multiple times a massive speeding up. 

Keep in mind, I am just relating what I have been told and seen.

I pray I'm wrong, but I also thought you should know.

Researching the Mandela Effect

How to research the Mandela Effect. 

I want to explain how I research and the reasoning behind some of the things I do.

I research by watching videos to begin with. A picture is worth a thousand words. I then read sites like Reddit and Fiona's. 

I watch about 100 Mandela Effect videos a day. I scroll through and read all the comments as I am watching, or afterwards.

I do this because I want to gain knowledge. I pretend like I know nothing about the Mandela Effect, the other person is the expert and teach me. 

The reason my blog post are short, I am not on youtube, and I am not famous in ufology is I want to control my time and use it wisely. I want to spend time learning, not giving out information.

The first three months I studied the Mandela Effect I watched videos 8 hours a day. Sometimes seven days a week and I read literally thousands of comments. 

If you don't believe me, go back to September, pick a day, look up Mandela Effect videos from that day. Count how many I commented on. 

When I talk, it's coming from hundreds of hours of research. I have watched more, introduction to the Mandela Effect videos, then most people will see in their lifetime. 

I research like this because I get hundreds of stories and perspectives. 

This is how I research, I learn every day just like ufology.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Dear Aliens,

I am inviting any and all aliens from another Planet to have an exchange of information on the Mandela effect with me.

To minimize germ exposure I am asking you not to enter my house but to knock on either a window or door where the light is on at night, or any window if I am home alone during the day. We can converse through a window to minimize germs.

Please be aware that any ships running on magnets need to park far away from the house. 

If multiple alien species respond to this, I invite an exchange of information between everyone. If you request your information be kept secret, I will do so.

When you get here, knock three times. Wait, knock three times again.

I mean you no harm, I simply want what's best for everyone.

Welcome to Earth.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Final Mandela Effect Solution

I have spent the day researching the theory that humans are shifting dimensions constantly and the Mandela Effect is the cause.

It seems reading comments and watching videos about a month ago everyone starting hitting on this same theory.

Basicly, nothings changed in this your current dimension. You changed. You just got here. 

I've read some scary good comments, and I encourage everyone to watch Bunnygirl2001 video, Did I just slip between timelines? One comment is on Angie Astilos part 2 video.

Mandela Effects according to this theory are the result of dimensional shifts in the person experiencing the Mandela Effect. 

Now a few questions, what causes the shifts? How frequent are the shifts? 

If people are switching, could items be also? Hence, residue. 

This would explain several things, including ongoing Mandela Effects and why everyone on the Planet seems to be from different previous dimensions.

I don't know what started the shifts, but this theory is very simple, very logical, and it explains every single aspect of the Mandela Effect.

Humans changing dimensions

The following is a public service announcement to every single person that reads this blog post.

This might be the most important blog post I have ever written.

I have seen evidence with my own eyes that people are constantly popping in and out of dimensions. We are all in this dimension at this second but that can change at any time.

Yesterday, I found new youtube channels with a history of Mandela Effect videos that apparently just popped into this dimension from another. Looking at their comments, no Mandela Effect researcher that searches Mandela Effect videos daily had commented on any of their videos. 

Today, I found a youtube channel that lost thousands of viewers in the last couple days. I started a dialogue with this person. Their voice and personality completely changed. They informed me they had been told by other commentors they had made videos they never made. They also said, a commenter told them they had reversed their view on an older video. I saw this happen myself with the Sex in/and The City videos.

I investigated my youtube channel and found subscriptions missing. I also found channels with thousands of more viewers than I recall and other channels with thousands less. 

It appears based on evidence I have seen with my own eyes people are constantly switching dimensions. 

It's the most logical, and rational explanation for what I am seeing.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

New Mandela Effect Researchers

The flat Earth theory in the dimension I came from was almost non-existent.  Nobody believed in it and I am on all the Paranormal youtube channels. The Earth was a sphere, and that's what I believe.

After the Mandela Effect hit suddenly the flat Earth theory is everywhere. To me, this is a Mandela Effect. 

Today, searching Mandela Effect I find new Mandela Effect youtube channels of researchers. The interesting thing is not one researcher who searchers Mandela Effect on a daily basis was in their comments. They have older videos and it's like channels just appeared out of thin air.

I ask you to watch Lone Eagle and Exheliocentric youtube channels as they have great content on the Mandela effect.

People be popping in and out of reality all over. I need a scorecard to keep up with the players.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

My Mandela Effect theory

The online prevalent theory of the Mandela Effect is that we are living in a matrix. We are living in a virtual reality.

Here is my theory, currently.

A. Reading people's comments online I have not found anyone who comes from my old dimension. My theory, a hole got ripped in the barrier between dimensions and everybody got jumbled up into different dimensions. We all came here. I think this explains our memories and lack of residue on items like maps. It's always been that way here.

B. Reality is not stable, it fluctuates. I think the Mandela Effect has always been with us. We just thought it was memory problems until event A. Happened. I think this explains residue. Small changes only noticed after the invention of the cell phone and Worldwide instantaneous communication.

I think the term Mandela Effect refers to two different things. I think event A. Opened everyone's eyes. 

It's possible when event A happened not only people but items got shifted as well. This might explain some residue. 

It's also possible we are experiencing multiple event A's. I say that for this reason. I came from a dimension where it's always been Sex in the City. I was put into Sex and the City dimension. Then one day out of the blue, it switched back to Sex in the City. Everybody was now saying that's a Mandela Effect and it's always been Sex and the City. Here's the interesting part, online people switched their viewpoint.  It's like I switched dimensions into the opposite one. People online were swearing it's always been Sex in the City now argued it's always been Sex and the City. Videos reversed their viewpoints, older videos.

In conclusion, I believe every person on the Planet having different memories argues something other than we are in a virtual reality. I think if that was the case our memories would be the same.

I reserve the right to change this theory. Lol!