Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Studying hundreds of alien species makes one realize how many species of aliens exist out there. 

In my research I am writing down ship details, descriptions of the aliens and finally what Planet and Constellation they claim to come from.

How many species of green aliens can you name? Did you know, Zar ships are Saturn shaped?

The details have been passed from multiple witnesses, in multiple languages, over hundreds of years. If witnesses claims hundreds of years apart to see the same species and live on different continents and all the details match. The odds of two people making up the same aliens are astronomically small. In fact, logic dictates they probably exist and are real given those facts.

The Dotumi are a race I literally jumped up and down when I heard about them. I thought I had found the species that destroyed the greys. They are from the Planet Dotumi in the Lyra Constellation and have been seen on Earth across time.

The Dotumi are 10 feet tall, black, have big ships. Communicate by telepathy, see by infrared and live in a World of sound. 

Every fact above matches the species that destroyed the greys on 3/10/09.

There are some differences though. The Dotumi have hands. They have normal size heads, and they are from The Milky Way.

The species I saw had claws, enormous heads, and came from The Andromeda Galaxy. 

I believe these two species are different but share many characteristics in common. The sound fact is particularly intriguing.

I don't believe it was the Dotumi that destroyed the greys. 

Fun fact, Dotumi aliens are extremely friendly to humans. If your a Dotumi alien reading this, welcome to Earth.

Another fun fact, one alien race said, "We live near the Zonneri."

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