Thursday, January 26, 2017

What Aliens told me about the Mandela Effect

Multiple alien species answered my request for an exchange of information on the Mandela effect. 

They all told me the same thing. 

I am going to draw a line, if you do not wish to know do not read below the line. 

The information came in the form of conversations in my dreams. The interesting thing is multiple species contacted me that way, and said, the exact same thing. 

I hope advanced alien species are wrong, the information is extremely bad. If you do not wish to know stop reading now.


The Mandela Effect is a doomsday countdown for the entire Universe. It's literally how the Universe will end. 

Matter will continue to jump dimensions faster and faster and faster until it disappears.

I don't know how long we have but I have seen multiple times a massive speeding up. 

Keep in mind, I am just relating what I have been told and seen.

I pray I'm wrong, but I also thought you should know.

Researching the Mandela Effect

How to research the Mandela Effect. 

I want to explain how I research and the reasoning behind some of the things I do.

I research by watching videos to begin with. A picture is worth a thousand words. I then read sites like Reddit and Fiona's. 

I watch about 100 Mandela Effect videos a day. I scroll through and read all the comments as I am watching, or afterwards.

I do this because I want to gain knowledge. I pretend like I know nothing about the Mandela Effect, the other person is the expert and teach me. 

The reason my blog post are short, I am not on youtube, and I am not famous in ufology is I want to control my time and use it wisely. I want to spend time learning, not giving out information.

The first three months I studied the Mandela Effect I watched videos 8 hours a day. Sometimes seven days a week and I read literally thousands of comments. 

If you don't believe me, go back to September, pick a day, look up Mandela Effect videos from that day. Count how many I commented on. 

When I talk, it's coming from hundreds of hours of research. I have watched more, introduction to the Mandela Effect videos, then most people will see in their lifetime. 

I research like this because I get hundreds of stories and perspectives. 

This is how I research, I learn every day just like ufology.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Dear Aliens,

I am inviting any and all aliens from another Planet to have an exchange of information on the Mandela effect with me.

To minimize germ exposure I am asking you not to enter my house but to knock on either a window or door where the light is on at night, or any window if I am home alone during the day. We can converse through a window to minimize germs.

Please be aware that any ships running on magnets need to park far away from the house. 

If multiple alien species respond to this, I invite an exchange of information between everyone. If you request your information be kept secret, I will do so.

When you get here, knock three times. Wait, knock three times again.

I mean you no harm, I simply want what's best for everyone.

Welcome to Earth.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Final Mandela Effect Solution

I have spent the day researching the theory that humans are shifting dimensions constantly and the Mandela Effect is the cause.

It seems reading comments and watching videos about a month ago everyone starting hitting on this same theory.

Basicly, nothings changed in this your current dimension. You changed. You just got here. 

I've read some scary good comments, and I encourage everyone to watch Bunnygirl2001 video, Did I just slip between timelines? One comment is on Angie Astilos part 2 video.

Mandela Effects according to this theory are the result of dimensional shifts in the person experiencing the Mandela Effect. 

Now a few questions, what causes the shifts? How frequent are the shifts? 

If people are switching, could items be also? Hence, residue. 

This would explain several things, including ongoing Mandela Effects and why everyone on the Planet seems to be from different previous dimensions.

I don't know what started the shifts, but this theory is very simple, very logical, and it explains every single aspect of the Mandela Effect.

Humans changing dimensions

The following is a public service announcement to every single person that reads this blog post.

This might be the most important blog post I have ever written.

I have seen evidence with my own eyes that people are constantly popping in and out of dimensions. We are all in this dimension at this second but that can change at any time.

Yesterday, I found new youtube channels with a history of Mandela Effect videos that apparently just popped into this dimension from another. Looking at their comments, no Mandela Effect researcher that searches Mandela Effect videos daily had commented on any of their videos. 

Today, I found a youtube channel that lost thousands of viewers in the last couple days. I started a dialogue with this person. Their voice and personality completely changed. They informed me they had been told by other commentors they had made videos they never made. They also said, a commenter told them they had reversed their view on an older video. I saw this happen myself with the Sex in/and The City videos.

I investigated my youtube channel and found subscriptions missing. I also found channels with thousands of more viewers than I recall and other channels with thousands less. 

It appears based on evidence I have seen with my own eyes people are constantly switching dimensions. 

It's the most logical, and rational explanation for what I am seeing.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

New Mandela Effect Researchers

The flat Earth theory in the dimension I came from was almost non-existent.  Nobody believed in it and I am on all the Paranormal youtube channels. The Earth was a sphere, and that's what I believe.

After the Mandela Effect hit suddenly the flat Earth theory is everywhere. To me, this is a Mandela Effect. 

Today, searching Mandela Effect I find new Mandela Effect youtube channels of researchers. The interesting thing is not one researcher who searchers Mandela Effect on a daily basis was in their comments. They have older videos and it's like channels just appeared out of thin air.

I ask you to watch Lone Eagle and Exheliocentric youtube channels as they have great content on the Mandela effect.

People be popping in and out of reality all over. I need a scorecard to keep up with the players.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

My Mandela Effect theory

The online prevalent theory of the Mandela Effect is that we are living in a matrix. We are living in a virtual reality.

Here is my theory, currently.

A. Reading people's comments online I have not found anyone who comes from my old dimension. My theory, a hole got ripped in the barrier between dimensions and everybody got jumbled up into different dimensions. We all came here. I think this explains our memories and lack of residue on items like maps. It's always been that way here.

B. Reality is not stable, it fluctuates. I think the Mandela Effect has always been with us. We just thought it was memory problems until event A. Happened. I think this explains residue. Small changes only noticed after the invention of the cell phone and Worldwide instantaneous communication.

I think the term Mandela Effect refers to two different things. I think event A. Opened everyone's eyes. 

It's possible when event A happened not only people but items got shifted as well. This might explain some residue. 

It's also possible we are experiencing multiple event A's. I say that for this reason. I came from a dimension where it's always been Sex in the City. I was put into Sex and the City dimension. Then one day out of the blue, it switched back to Sex in the City. Everybody was now saying that's a Mandela Effect and it's always been Sex and the City. Here's the interesting part, online people switched their viewpoint.  It's like I switched dimensions into the opposite one. People online were swearing it's always been Sex in the City now argued it's always been Sex and the City. Videos reversed their viewpoints, older videos.

In conclusion, I believe every person on the Planet having different memories argues something other than we are in a virtual reality. I think if that was the case our memories would be the same.

I reserve the right to change this theory. Lol!