Thursday, January 26, 2017

What Aliens told me about the Mandela Effect

Multiple alien species answered my request for an exchange of information on the Mandela effect. 

They all told me the same thing. 

I am going to draw a line, if you do not wish to know do not read below the line. 

The information came in the form of conversations in my dreams. The interesting thing is multiple species contacted me that way, and said, the exact same thing. 

I hope advanced alien species are wrong, the information is extremely bad. If you do not wish to know stop reading now.


The Mandela Effect is a doomsday countdown for the entire Universe. It's literally how the Universe will end. 

Matter will continue to jump dimensions faster and faster and faster until it disappears.

I don't know how long we have but I have seen multiple times a massive speeding up. 

Keep in mind, I am just relating what I have been told and seen.

I pray I'm wrong, but I also thought you should know.


  1. Hey....I think its a very good thing...Universe is finite ...God is infinite.

    This universe is just a DOT of the entire God. God ends and starts universe.

    I have felt time speeding up as well, mandela effect also but the negative energies have increased as well.

  2. Well, I don't really see that as a bad thing. I have been doing a lot of research on frequencies and the possibility that we may not even be matter as we have been told. So, in the end, if this is true, it may just need free :)
