Tuesday, January 17, 2017

My Mandela Effect theory

The online prevalent theory of the Mandela Effect is that we are living in a matrix. We are living in a virtual reality.

Here is my theory, currently.

A. Reading people's comments online I have not found anyone who comes from my old dimension. My theory, a hole got ripped in the barrier between dimensions and everybody got jumbled up into different dimensions. We all came here. I think this explains our memories and lack of residue on items like maps. It's always been that way here.

B. Reality is not stable, it fluctuates. I think the Mandela Effect has always been with us. We just thought it was memory problems until event A. Happened. I think this explains residue. Small changes only noticed after the invention of the cell phone and Worldwide instantaneous communication.

I think the term Mandela Effect refers to two different things. I think event A. Opened everyone's eyes. 

It's possible when event A happened not only people but items got shifted as well. This might explain some residue. 

It's also possible we are experiencing multiple event A's. I say that for this reason. I came from a dimension where it's always been Sex in the City. I was put into Sex and the City dimension. Then one day out of the blue, it switched back to Sex in the City. Everybody was now saying that's a Mandela Effect and it's always been Sex and the City. Here's the interesting part, online people switched their viewpoint.  It's like I switched dimensions into the opposite one. People online were swearing it's always been Sex in the City now argued it's always been Sex and the City. Videos reversed their viewpoints, older videos.

In conclusion, I believe every person on the Planet having different memories argues something other than we are in a virtual reality. I think if that was the case our memories would be the same.

I reserve the right to change this theory. Lol!


  1. My memory says that it's always been "Sex in the City"...Maybe we're from the same dimension?? I personally get weirded out by this stuff. The person I live with and I looked at maps when I saw a video about this a while ago, and we both agreed it looked different from how we thought it should look. New Zealand's position had changed, and a bunch of other stuff, and personally, I think I knew the world map pretty well. The Earth's location in the galaxy had changed from what we thought it was supposed to be as well. Now, I'm seeing what you've been writing, and I am getting a little freaked out about it. If we're jumping dimensions, I call that very alarming. The count down to the end of the universe is an even more alarming idea. Not sure how to test the theory beyond what we think we remember though...

  2. I figured aliens would have better answers then humans. The Earth's location change in the Milky Way galaxy gave me the idea. I didn't expect asking aliens to work, they showed me right before I woke up, so I have a solid memory of what they showed me. The Mandela Effect is harder to figure out then aliens. I continue to study, learn and try to get clarity. I hope the aliens are wrong. Who knows how they figured it out.
