Sunday, April 16, 2017

Major Blacks Eyed Kid Drama

Major drama occurred this week on the youtube channel, Fantastic Daily. 

I watched Tyler of Secureteam's video and that got me researching Black Eyed Kids. 

I had seen Fantastic Daily's video on Black Eyed Kids arrested Seven Months ago. 

I spent a day catching up on his other videos. He has some amazing content including audio of two Black Eyed Kid encounters. He used this audio to lure a Bek to his front door and video taped it. Then he filed a police report on the incident.

Finally, he had an update on his channel to the two Beks arrested in Manchester and the police audio from Dispatch to a vehicle transporting them. 

I have to say, I think the combined videos posted on this channel are the scariest thing I have ever seen on youtube.

I'm serious when I offer this warning. Do not watch the videos on this channel at night. The Beks seem to communicate with an audio signal that sounds like static and you do not want to bring these things to your door by playing this audio. They seem to be Nocturnal. 

I also found a video about Beks where a New Yorker riding the Subway fell asleep. He woke up and went to step off the train and saw many beks surrounding him. He fainted.

Finally, Phantoms and Monsters posted a story about a black eyed being that was part Bek and part ghost. Well worth reading.

What are these things? One theory I heard was that it's a black sludge infecting human host. It's an alien parasite, so to speak.

Fantastic daily had one story about a normal kid, who turned into a Bek. 

These things seem to be hunting humans and increasing in numbers.

Not a good combination if your human.

Good Luck!

Don't invite them in.

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