Wednesday, November 12, 2014


The reasons why I would advise you not to join Mufon until they change.

Lets begin with UFO history:
Two points:

Mufon began as a traitor organization to APRO. They even detail this on their about us page. Richard Dolan did an excellent job detailing this.

The Robertson Panel talked about the infiltration of civilian UFO groups.

My thinking is any legitimate UFO organization should be run strictly by civilians with no current or former government ties.

Skeptics Vs Believers:

Aliens exist. Its been proven, so believers are correct. I would only allow believers in. Skeptics do not know ufology or are government agents with an agenda, kick them out.

Knowledge level:

My former State Mufon director is a really nice guy. I want to make that point, I just have one bad thing to say about him. He had read ten UFO books. Think about the implications of that statement. Have you read eleven?

How in the world did James Carrion, who does not even know Roswell was the crash of an alien spaceship rise so high in the organization?

UFOs vs Aliens:

One of my favorite sayings is experienced ufologist study aliens and amateurs study UFOs. A good UFO organization should focus on entity cases.

UFO Evidence:

A good UFO organization should be completely open. When it finds really good UFO and alien evidence it should present them to the public. The good and the bad species. Imagine this scenario: David Paulides has stumbled upon an alien species causing missing persons. I think that should be investigated and on a larger scale with totally open results. Are black Eyed kids aliens? Again, somebody should be out investigating, by tracking down witnesses. Give people a place to report these types of events to.

I have read over 4000 UFO books and this is my opinion. I like Bob Woods. I like Debbie. I think Hanger 1 was a fantastic show.

I personally do not have trust in mufon.

Most UFO witnesses are honest, down to Earth people. Most investigators are salt of the Earth.

I have never been a member, until Mufon changes, I will not be joining.

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