Friday, February 26, 2016

The Bigger Problem

The Bigger Problem!

Yesterday, the United States Government contacted me. This is to them.

The Earth is divided into countries. The only policy worldwide is the UFO coverup. It extends back thousands of years. It is a misconception that the United States Government covers up UFOs. Its every country. Its throughout recorded history, even before America was founded. Its not been broken with the invention of the internet. The number of UFO crashes and sightings of aliens has not been made mainstream(I could prove it) even though most humans have cameras and can record videos on their phones. Look at the Mufon database and the NUFORC. Aliens are a fact of life. Yet, not yet "proven".

I asked myself who or what could have that kind of power. Not humans. Remember, we are fractured into countries. Some, thousands of years old. Only an alien species could have the massive amount of technology and resources to hide "proof" on a daily basis.

Examining Ufology you do not hear leaked story after leaked story about humans interacting with alien overlords. They must have the capability to stay hidden among us for thousands of years. They look human. Are they David Icke's reptilians, clones, zebras or Robert Deans human looking aliens who scared the generals the most? Are we dealing with a species that is none of these or some of them combined? Facts point to one thing. We are infiltrated.

I wrote about clones and zebras the last couple of weeks to try to help Majestic Twelve. Here is my personal message to any member of Majestic Twelve that reads this and is human. Call a meeting, take a vote on who wants disclosure and who does not. Anyone who does not want disclosure should be detained and have tests run on them to see if they are human. Once a method is found to identify these things now we get to:The Bigger Problem.

They are in every country. They are everywhere. The method to weed them out cannot be that easy.

You have to weed them out quietly to start with. Imagine, every country on the planet vs America.

Kinda gives new meaning to vaccines and chemtrails.

Historical fact, up until today states "we are infiltrated".

Its time to take back our Planet.

Disclosure is step one. Until Disclosure happens, we are slaves.

Humans inside Majestic Twelve, you are our only hope.

Ask yourself this one question, Is Aliens covered up because of technology that we might not understand for thousands of years or is it more plausible Aliens cover up aliens because they are already here, living among us.

All it would take is one friendly species of aliens to blow the coverup or disclose their existence. That has not happened. The longer the coverup continues, the worse it will be for humans in the end. The United States government has no control over the billions of alien species out there. Every single species cannot adhere to a "prime directive". You would think multiple species would not, get the memo. Finally, consider the active act of trying to discredit anyone who has seen an alien or UFO. They are attacked.

Given the facts, the only scientific, logical conclusion is that the infiltrating species is hostile. They are not rainbows and fluffy bunnies.

They are in every single country.

That is the bigger problem.

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