Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Salinas, Crop Circle Analysis

A massive crop circle has appeared in Salinas. A video shows flashes of green light as two boys enter the field. The crop circle and the boys video are of the same field. There is a picture of the crop circle taken from a vantage point it clearly shows the structures the boys pass. The green flashing light in the video is definitely odd given its brightness and color. However, it is odd the boy filming looks away from the light. The crop circle itself is very large. The size of the crop circle would argue that this is no hoax or we would already have people coming forward. The crop circle itself is in braille and repeats the number 192 six times. Linda Moulton Howe on Earthfiles wrote a great piece. Nancy Talbot has been quoted as saying she thinks its a hoax. After seeing a few close up ground shots, I have to say it appears a crude hoax. The crop is clearly crudely flattened. It does remind me of chilbolton. I hope I am wrong, and its real.

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