Saturday, February 8, 2014

4 new cases

The following four cases all come from the Mufon case management system.

The first case a man witnessed a UFO sitting in his yard. Through portholes he could see three alien entities. The had a pig on a table opened up. The UFO then took off and flew away. The man recently had a nightmare about the encounter.

A woman, home alone, watching movies sees a shadow of a figure cross behind her. Thinking its her husband returning from work, she investigates but finds nothing. Movie goes over, she gets ready and goes to bed. Wakes up a few minutes later and sees a figure standing at the foot of her bed. She snaps a photo, but falls asleep. Next morning, phone still has the photo which she downloaded to mufon.

A man and woman are driving out west. It is getting dusk. The man turns on his high beams. Rounding a bend in the road he sees what he describes as a thunderbird. He ask his female passenger if she saw it. She describes seeing a pterosaur.

A man sees an alien walk into his room and steal his keychain from a pushpin. Luckily he has a spare and is able to go to work. That night he reluctantly calls the police. A thorough search fails to turn up the keys. Man activates his alarm system the next night. The following morning the keys are back on the pushpin.

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