Monday, February 3, 2014

Strange but True

Remember when you were a kid and you read a great book on the paranormal? The stories stick with you years later. Strange but True 21 Amazing Stories by Donald Sobel is just such a book.

The book has the typical Abominable Snowman, Loch Ness Monster and Ghost stories. Its the other stories presented in the book that over 30 years later still get my brain thinking.

The first chapter I found interesting is called the tumbling dead. It involves a crypt on the Island of Barbados. The story begins in 1807. As members of the family died and the crypt opened all the coffins had moved. Graverobbers were suspected and the crypt was sealed. Upon opening the crypt was a mess. Logical explanations were ruled out. The crypt stands empty today.

The next chapter that is just bizarre is a chapter called Lincoln and Kennedy. The chapter is 3 pages of facts about strange coincidences between the two. The number of Letters in the names of everyone involved is discussed. The number of times 100 years apart is also discussed. A number of other strange facts between the two is presented.

My favorite chapter by far is called The Night Thing. It details the strange tracks found in the snow on Feb, 9 1885 in England. Snow had fallen the night before. The tracks were U shaped 8 inches apart and went on for at least 96 miles. The tracks were single file. There was only a six hour window when the tracks were made. The tracks crossed a two mile wide river resuming on the other side. Strangest of all, whatever, seemed to walk through walls as tracks of the same depth were found on both sides of a 12 foot wall. The source of the tracks was never determined.

I love stories and books that make you think. This book had several other great chapters. Things that make you go hmmm...

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