Thursday, January 28, 2016

Nasa Hoaxes

I have spent the last couple weeks researching Nasa and the moon landing hoax. Nasa is getting absolutely destroyed all over the internet. Currently, Nasa is thought to have lied not just about the moon landings but about alot more.

The first thing that caught my eye is ionizing radiation. The Van Allen Belts and out in space is ionizing radiation. Without a lot of shielding the spacecraft itself would begin to break down on a molecular level as the radiation would be so strong it would cause the electrons in the metal to be pulled away from the atoms. Then I found the video on youtube where the engineer talking about the new horizons spacecraft says, we would have to find a way to properly shield a spacecraft from the radiation in the Van Allen Belts before a human can pass through them. Here is a Nasa engineer saying the Apollo missions never happened. He would not have said this if in his mind he didn't believe it.

The Challenger explosion is being called into question as six of the seven astronauts have had people that look exactly like them, same facial scars and using the exact same names found. The most compelling evidence though is the video footage of the disaster itself. One of the female astronauts parents are on camera just after the explosion. The strange part is the dad is laughing and smiling.

The mars rovers are really on two uninhabited Islands near the Artic circle is the claim of several videos. Richplanet did two excellent Nasa specials talking about this. One other thing Richplanet pointed out. The lunar reconnaissance orbiter which photographed the Apollo landing sights. The landers were about four times bigger in the photos than they should have been. According to the math.

The video lies told at Nasa this week is worth watching the first half. It talks about Nasa's picture of the Earth from a million miles away and compares it to moon photos from 250,000 miles out.

The best thing I found is go out to youtube and type in Nasa hoax orange juice. Your looking for a video several down that is fifty six minutes long. The orange juice part is about ten minutes long. During Apollo 16 an astronaut on the moons surface spills orange juice from inside his suit onto the camera on the outside of his suit. He even ask his fellow astronaut to clean his lens, which is funny since they had no viewfinders. According to Nasa themselves any tear in the suit would result in death in twenty seconds. Water molecules are bigger than air molecules. Why didn't the astronaut die? He couldn't possible be on the moon and its ok to spill orange juice on a sound stage on Earth.

Nasa stands for: Never A Straight Answer.

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