Friday, January 29, 2016

Me and the Worlds Greatest Mystery

Here are some of my random UFO thoughts: Enter at your own risk.

I am not out to convince anyone of anything in ufology. However, if you don't know that every single aspect of ufology is caused by aliens. I have the right to inform you of the facts.

I do my own thing when it comes to ufology and you never know what aspect I am looking up. The subject of ufology is so massive no one can know it all. I don't appear on radio or tv or write books. I know some alien species have to be hostile. I don't show my face for that reason. Google keeps wanting me to turn on adsense for my blog but I have never made a dime from my knowledge of ufology. That is why you can trust me. I study this subject to learn the truth. Not to take your money. I love learning about all the different species out there.

I also hide my knowledge. I hide my books. I hide my research. I never talk about every book I am reading. I never share all of my thoughts.

I spend entire nights studying ufology. When I was in college I would stay up all night long, sometimes reading ufo books, sometimes thinking about ufos for 8 straight hours, and sometimes thinking about what I was reading. I still do this. I write things down on paper. Facts, page numbers in books, and websites for future reference. I have a brain and nobody is going to tell me what to know and not know. I make up my own mind based on facts. One of my nicknames is the science/ufo guy. Anybody that has worked with me will tell you, I am 100% about ufology. I would drive into work, eat breakfast and study ufology for an hour daily. I know more about ufos by 7am than most people know all day. My coworkers became my network. I would get emails during the day saying check out this UFO story. A specific example, the Panama alien. A coworker emailed that to me in the middle of the day.

I go crazy with searching for different keywords. What I mean by this is I will try similar words, descriptions, or phrases in searching for similar items. The Texas Dallas, Fort Worth light incident is a good example. I found several similar "attacks" by searching different keywords.

I have a list of words I search daily. I sometimes search other words. A couple examples, crop circles and cattle mutilations. I search for those words daily. I have noticed a few things. Real ufo and alien videos on youtube have very few views. Fake videos have millions of views. You want to find the "gold" in ufology. Find the videos with a few views.

I avoid mainstream media like the plague. I want to advance my knowledge, not set it back. I also could care less about 95% of "ufo" sightings. I like aliens, crashed ufos, or interaction. Most UFO stories are not worth reading.

I prefer books to the internet and paper to digital. I am old fashioned but also I buy my ufo books with cash. I like to hide my true knowledge level. My knowledge level is also many years in advance of the average person. Before the internet UFO knowledge took 10 years to become public knowledge. I would read and learn something and ten years later someone would tell it to me. The internets helped but its still bad.

People want UFO information, its the second most looked up internet topic, however the average UFO book only sells 3000 copies. The subject is scary because some aliens are hostile. Burying your head in the sand is not going to drive off hostile aliens.

The aliens are really demons thing. I don't believe this for a second. Aliens are most likely creatures from other worlds. I think some UFOs are dimensional or time travelers but I believe the vast majority are flesh and blood aliens from other planets.

I love ancient aliens. It shows alot of new places and teaches things no one else knew. The Dyatlov pass incident is one thing I like to point out.

I don't have time for skeptics. I like to call them, idiots on ufology. I am not going to learn from an idiot on a subject, so why waste my time. I have better things to do than argue with someone who knows nothing on the subject matter that I have spent my entire life studying. Reading over 4,000 books on a subject makes you cynical. I have forgotten more about ufology than the average person will learn in their lifetime.

Speaking of my library, I have certain stories I know I've read, but for the life of me can't find. Its a blessing and a curse. I know the story, don't have a clue what book its in. In my defense, I do believe I know the books two such stories are in.

I have a hard time talking to people about UFOs. Mostly, its because of the average persons knowledge level. You tend to get the same thoughts over and over. If I meet someone and they are skeptical of UFOs and they recite some common ufo debunking tactic. I like to amuse my brain by coming up with new and original arguments against them. I also compare this knowledge level of me vs the average person as Einstein(me) talking physics with a five year old(average person).

In conclusion, I study ufology because it is the greatest mystery of our time. It will also be the greatest mystery throughout all of human history.

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