Tuesday, March 29, 2016

MTG Math

Imagine, your Magic The Gathering deck gets Hymn to tourach and hypnotic specter played against it on turn one. Then you crush your opponent.

These are some of the lessons I have learned playing Magic The Gathering.

First, lets talk about lands. In some games your deck will be mana saturated and draw way to many lands. You still need to be able to win. Second, your deck will sometimes be mana screwed, maybe only drawing one land. You still need to be able to win.

The number and colors of mana are dependent on individual decks. What if all your lands are destroyed? Can your deck still win?

Magic has two game states that follow each other and occur in every single Magic game ever played. The beginning of the game, you are mana screwed and cannot play all the cards in your hand. After you play all the cards, you are card screwed and only draw one card a turn. Cards like Cluestones help with both of these game states. They get you more mana, they fix your mana, and they stick around if all your lands are destroyed. Later, they can be sacrificed to draw a card. Its like walking into a match with a fifty-six card deck instead of a sixty. Any card that helps fix these two game states is a good card.

Any card that fixes mana or accelerates mana is good in only the first three turns but loses value after that.

Any card that draws you extra cards after the fourth to fifth turn of the game is pure gold.

Imagine a deck with thirty six spells. Nine of each casting cost from one to four. This mathematically gives you the best chance of curving out and playing a spell of the appropriate casting cost each turn.

Consider however, its mathematically better to play a four casting cost card on turn five rather than a one. A one casting cost card is only the best play on turn one. After that, its a weaker play.

After turn four or five, you want to play four or five casting cost cards every turn. Watch out for mana screw though.

A good mixture is best. Be sure if you are playing a control deck not to overextend yourself.

Any card that gets better exponentially is a great card. Cards that give you extra mana or extra cards give you a greater chance of beating your opponent. I am referring to Gaea's Cradle and similar cards.

Insanely powerfull cards for there casting cost should also be included in your deck. A card like Siege Rhino for example.

Magic is a game of rock, paper, scissors and every deck in Magic can be absolutely destroyed if you have the right cards.

Write down what cards were in your hand when you lost. Write down how your opponent killed you. I have been watching pro tours for a long time and there is a distinct lack of control decks designed to run you out of cards. Almost every single kill I see comes at the hand of creatures and damage.

I see way to many people mulligan way to often. I have seen people lose grand prix's because they mulliganed too much in the championship game.

I hope these tips help you design better Magic Decks. Have fun playing Magic with your family and friends.

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