Monday, March 28, 2016

Pyramid Builders

Did aliens build the pyramids or did humans? I have found this subject fascinating my entire life. Every year I spend at least a week researching this very topic. I of course am firmly in the aliens built the pyramids camp. I started keeping ufo files years ago. The first subject I tackled was facts proving aliens built the pyramids.

I found a new theory today on the builders of the pyramids. One that I had never read, seen, or heard of in all my research. In fact, this theory has me so convinced, I am 99% sure this is the answer to the question of who built the pyramids.

What is most impressive about this theory is the amount of evidence to back it up. The pyramid builders have been right in front of us the entire time, literally drawn, carved and depicted all over Egypt, and we missed them. Why?

We were looking at two theories, humans and aliens. The correct answer is a combination of the two but not in the way you might think. Aliens did not lay out the design and have humans build it.

The correct answer is aliens designed and built the pyramids, the catch is, they looked exactly human. They were just giants. That is why you have giant human looking statues all over Egypt. That is why doors are massive. The Hieroglyphics depict them everywhere, alongside humans and animals. They could be the Nephilim from the bible. One hieroglyph depicts a man carrying two stones hanging from a pole on his shoulder.

Two videos offer a bunch of supporting evidence. They are on 24bZZa- saved by grace productions youtube channel. Look for Land of the Giants Parts 1 and 2.

I think its the best theory I have ever come across.

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