Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Mandela effect research

A few notes I have from studying the Mandela effect for the past few days.

My current theory (and this seems to change by the hour), is that we are dealing with merging parallel dimensions. It also seems like there is a lot of them.

The anatomy does seem to have changed. Check out Tripp Walker's youtube channel. He talks about taking a cold drink. An experiment you can try for yourself.

I tried the California Dreaming experiment and was able to get the song to say Began or Pretend depending on what I thought with 100% accuracy. I am talking about at the 48 second mark of the live performance think began and it will say began, rewind think Pretend and it will say pretend. Then play with it.

Tell every single person you know about the Mandela Effect. You might be from this dimension but they may not, and not even realize it. Voting videos seem to show an 8 to 1 or 9 to 1 ratio of people not from this dimension.

The Earth we are currently on is much closer to the sun than the Earth I came from.

There has been a disturbance in the Force, have you felt it?


  1. The 8 to 1 or 9 to 1 ratio of people not from this dimension might be that only people noticing the changes give attention to the Mandela effect and talk about it, while the others happily go their way, unaware of the commotion.

    Your mention of the anatomy changes made me remember that I was very surprised not too long ago when a saw an advert on heartburn. The picture showed the tummy much higher up in the human body than I thought it was. I was thinking to myself how did I pass biology at school (many years ago) and post-scool where we had to identify each organ relative to its position in the body.

  2. You have a great point about the ratio. I keep asking and have yet to find a person who identifies the stomach location correctly.

  3. You have a great point about the ratio. I keep asking and have yet to find a person who identifies the stomach location correctly.
