Friday, September 9, 2016

4 Mandela Effect abilities

I have been researching Mandela Effect stories and experiences. I want to share with you the four things the Mandela Effect is composed of.

1. From reading thousands of comments the most logical explanation for what I and other researchers have read is, everyone on this Planet is from a different previous dimension. Our bodies were not brought here, our souls were.

2. The Mandela Effect shows time anomalies on a daily basis. Everything from the word Sith from Star Wars appearing in the Bible, to the gentleman who said he repeated an hour. Also, multiple instances of time being reversed, then running forwards normally. This was reported by Always Thinking and Miss Pickle two very good Mandela effect researchers on youtube.

3. Parallel universes are being manipulated on a daily basis. Type into youtube Mandela Effect experiences and watch some of the videos. Everything from textbooks vanishing to a boathouse appearing to stores vanishing.

4. Human DNA is being manipulated. The human anatomy has changed and it appears this is an ongoing process. Not daily, but definitely frequently.

Humans do not have any of these four capabilities. Let alone all four combined. The Mandela Effect shows targeting with the Bible and Star Wars as its targets and that means there's an intelligence behind it. Rather than give humans four new capabilities, I propose the most logical solution to the Mandela Effect is aliens.


  1. Well said...I agree...Its a concentrated effort by not so good aliens on humanity

  2. "Sith" is Early Modern English for "since." The Bible isn't the only old book that uses it.
