Wednesday, September 28, 2016

M.E. theory Aliens attack USA

I researched earlier tonight Mandela Effects in other countries. What's interesting, is if you read Wela's comment to me in the last post, he said Mandela Effects are not known yet in the Middle East. I started researching M.E.s in other countries. I kept finding the same M.E.s that are being found in America just in different languages.

What I did not find is example after example from foreign countries that should be out there. I have seen one or two in my research, but I believe I should be finding dozens to hundreds. The point is it looks like something is targeting the United States. The Middle East is closer to Cern than America and should see M.E.s more than us.

One theory I thought of is what if the United States ticked off an alien race? Maybe we killed one of them, stole something from them, of shot down one of their ships. It does seem to me that Mandela Effects are concentrated on the United States.

If aliens are causing M.E.s because the United States did something to them, I would like to say to those aliens that not all humans are bad. Please do not punish the majority for the actions of the few.

Another theory I had, what if M.E.s are a red herring. I remembered that line from the new Dwayne the rock Johnson movie coming out where intelligence work is all about distraction. What if aliens want us to chase M.E.s while they fulfill their real agenda?

Side note, Zon on the V series worked by visualizing what you wanted to happen. I just thought how appropriate.


  1. Along the same lines, imagine if the government saved some humans from aliens and the aliens didn't take too kindly to that.

  2. Along the same lines, imagine if the government saved some humans from aliens and the aliens didn't take too kindly to that.

  3. Well , i must say you got so close this time , very brilliant job Mike ... Hopefully i am on my way to reveal the truth with proof as soon as i finish documenting my observations and organize my finds !!
    If i succeed it will be up to you to spread it as apparently i am not the one for that .
    Thanks for your precious companion . One last thing , Just want to know if the people suffering as myself from the reality changes have heard about M.E.before travelling or not ? As it's so important to my research .

  4. Wela, could you clarify or explain your question further?
