Friday, September 30, 2016

Mandela Effect questions

1. Do you think the differences between people are caused by shifting from a different dimension or that memories are being altered?

2. The daily changes to the Bible and product names changing back and forth is the result of time travel or dimension shifts?

3. Are people shifting dimensions randomly or they realizing we all shifted once, people are just finding out about it at different times?

4. Are we on a completely different Planet Earth, or an altered original?

5. Are humans behind the Mandela Effect or are aliens?

6. Is the Mandela Effect the scariest topic you have ever researched?

7. Do you think our souls switched bodies or that human DNA has been tampered with in the past?

8. Do you think the silence of the government on the Mandela effect is because they know what caused it, they caused it, or do you believe the government has no clue what caused it?

9. Residue is the result of Time travel or dimension shifts?

10. Are people that vanish daily shifting dimensions?

11. Is quantum immortality a reality?

12. Is there a code, pattern, or message to be found in Mandela Effects?

13. Do you think the Mandela Effect has multiple causes?

14. Have you seen a Mandela Effect happen?

15 What's your theory on the cause of the Mandela Effect?


  1. Here is my answers:
    1. Different dimensions
    2.Time Travel
    3.I think both
    4. Different Planet
    5. Aliens (you knew I was gonna say this one)
    6. Yes
    7. Both
    8. They have no clue
    9. Time travel, I think it takes time to filter.
    10. Some, yes
    11. Based on stories from people, yes
    12. Yes, alot of Reptilian Bible references.
    13. Yes
    14. Yes, Star Wars episode 4 is changing constantly.
    15. I think we are all from different previous dimensions. The daily changes are currently beyond human understanding, as to the cause.
