Monday, August 1, 2016

Dimensional ghost

Ghost, residue from other dimensions?

Since I learned about the Mandela Effect I have had four or five instances of seeing black things that move across my vision. They are usually peripherally. However, two instances stick out.

One, I was laying in bed with my phone and beside my phone on the other side of the room a black something, very fleeting ran across my vision. It was at a height of about four feet.

Second, I was in our living room when a black something moved over by our garage door. It was about two feet tall.

I mention these because I have read two comments online mentioning this exact same thing.

The Lip did an episode, I believe today where one of the guys at the desk mentions this exact same kind of thing.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have had a similar experience. As always, any skeptical comments get deleted from my blog.


  1. In a way I am wondering about aliens. Did I see something alien? That's why I mentioned the height.

  2. Ghost could indeed be the membranes, or alt timelines crossing.
