Thursday, August 25, 2016

Mandela Effect Math

Consider that every single person in this dimension is from a different previous dimension. This is the general consensus. To do that, whatever caused the Mandela Effect had to travel to 7.4 billion different dimensions grab one conscious and bring it back here. Now a few mistakes were made and they got multiples of the same person. These are few and far between. How big of a work force would it take to accomplish this task? How long would it take?

The Changes seen on a daily basis are massive. Consider, are they switching 7.4 billion people between parallel Worlds on a daily basis?

The word Sith from Star Wars appearing in the Bible. How many dimensions exist where the word Sith has always been in the Bible? I'm guessing zero.

I agree that we were all pulled from different previous dimensions. The size of the Work Force it would take to accomplish this task means we are dealing with one massive army.

The Mandela Effect is not just that we changed dimensions. It's an ongoing daily event. The theory of higher consciousness fails to account for Residue. It's also fails to account for daily changes to the Bible where words of nonsense are being inserted.

Let's talk about intelligence for a moment. Mathematically speaking the changes are more likely to be seen if the are made to The Bible, Star Wars, famous movies. SoulVoice showed today more people are searching Google for Mandela Effect than for a new car. The percentage of people aware of the Mandela Effect has to be extremely high for that to happen.

The changes show an intelligence behind them meant to get and awaken as many as possible as fast as possible. If I changed, let's say the movie The Villian. Would it ever become mainstream or would anybody even care? Change the Bible and you get people's attention fast.

I tell you that because I thought of the theory, what if a hole got ripped in space and time? Do the events appear more random or do the events appear logical? I say the events are not random but meant to wake up the majority of the population as fast as possible.

The Bible has words appearing in it on a daily basis that are in truth, not even words. Would humans do this? Would humans change their beloved Bible to nonsense? I would argue that you would find no human willing to time travel and mess with religious text by adding nonsense. Mathematically speaking the odds of that happening are extremely low.

What is a more likely scenario. I want to travel in time so I can add nonsense words to the Bible, or I want to see the Pyramids Built, The Birth of Jesus, or The assassination of JFK? Mathematically speaking it's the second choices.

SoulVoice made a good point that no celebrities are talking about the Mandela Effect and I would add so is no governments. When more people are searching it, then cars. What is the Government trying to hide? Why is the Chinese government so interested in the Mandela Effect? If you search Mandela Effect on youtube a bunch of Chinese videos pop up daily.

The idea that God would let Demons change his Bible and add nonsense words to it and change its meaning seems Mathematically low. If God is all powerful why allow changes to his sacred text? The meaning changes and the nonsense words argue mathematically this is not Demons because God would never allow it.

Residue to me argues time travel on a daily basis. If something has always been that way here in this dimension no residue at all should exist. If you change the time line I argue it takes a while to filter. This seems mathematically more feasible than jumping dimensions and pulling residue of pictures and videos with us. Our conscious was pulled across dimensions. Is it even possible to pull physical items? If it is, why weren't are bodies transferred?

Mathematically speaking the Mandela Effect would take an army of Aliens to bring us here. Change the past daily, including adding nonsense words to the Bible and fix Residue. They obviously want us to know about them.

The entire notion of Good aliens vs Evil. It's more a matter of survival.

The Mandela Effect shows an intelligence that has an agenda.

Figuring out the Agenda is key.


  1. True. I dont think wevare all coming from different timelines though. Ive been somewhat forced to study quatum mechanics lately as the effect has been realized in my life. I think that if we were transported here....then according to the info ive found here...the original is dead. Isn't Preservation truly the first law of nature? I do not tempt to claim, i have answers yet...but remember specifics things like the spelling of dilemna and rubix as in rubix cubes..if these spellings are right for you..and Scarecrow on Wizard of Oz never had a gun..we may be from the same dimension...which define the effect for me. Looking for the cause could help in finding a solution..I would need to know how to find when this took there a way of measuring web searches that could shine light? Thanks.

    1. I am from a dimension where everything you asked is true. However, in my old dimension it was always Froot Loops. I know this because I eat them. According to what I have seen the best guess is in the summer of 15 is when the major effect happened.

    2. I am from a dimension where everything you asked is true. However, in my old dimension it was always Froot Loops. I know this because I eat them. According to what I have seen the best guess is in the summer of 15 is when the major effect happened.

    3. Maybe when the star of Bethlehem was in July last yera

  2. I wrote this massive reply blogger deleted it all. I'll get back to you.

  3. I dont believe the whole quantum thing as it is described. It feels like a hoax too. I do believe there are split offs of reality but only at crossroads like Jung described in his books and articles on synchronicity and deja vu. That this happens so massively and that a lot of synchronization is going on makes me think we are at a major crossroads as a species. I am thinking one reality will be destroyed and so is the earth in that one and another will live.

    1. I am not of that opinion for this reason. The Bible has nonsense words. How many dimensions exist where the Bible is unreadable? There is also a massive amount of evidence the Mandela Effect is multiple dimensions, starting with memories. You could be right, the nonsense words would have to be explained.

  4. I believe that it is by design coming from our Creator. We have been given free will and we are as well co-creators ourselves. Only many who believe in the Bible, could actually be creating what they imagine it to mean about the end times. I've seen their videos and they encourage others to think of monsters being released from the abyss who will torment humans, disasters of nature, fires, floods and all kinds of doom and gloom happenings. What if their thoughts had a possibility of happening just because a great number of them created this kind of world where most people, according to them, are going to go to hell and be tormented forever. Not a pretty picture. But how do you argue with them when they are so set in believing all of this is to come about. I know how resolute, how deep into believing in this they are from talking with my fundamentalist family members. I never thought that there was a power that could change the very Bible words, but obviously there is. What will that do? Will it cause them to cease from thinking in these patterns of destruction. Maybe. I think most fundamentalist don't follow along with science too well but they are getting in step with construing their scriptures to mean things that are like a sci fi horror show. Yes, they may now believe in aliens but in their eyes these aliens are all demons. And now even more stories come from them again imaging a takeover of alien demonic entities. I find myself wondering how this is going to effect my family members who have always believe that the Bible could not change. What path of thinking will they take. Perhaps, just maybe they will awaken to the knowing that reality is multi-dimensional and that there are other realities. It would be good if they do because I think we are in for a shift in consciousness that unless one knows a little about what is going on, it would be quite a jolt to the person still clinging to old beliefs.

  5. I know what you are saying. Here is my theory of what's going on. The reptiles, it the royals are evil aliens in charge of humanity. The Mandela Effect aliens are good guys trying to destroy religion which the reptiles use to keep humanity separated. I completely understand where you would think, this is bad. Once you know my theory I hope it eases your mind a little. Also, I told Kat on Extol Yeshua Always youtube channel this theory and she has found some amazing facts in the bible. You should check out her queen video and her antichrist video and your honeatly gonna be shocked.

    1. I have checked out her videos from the beginning. At first she was finding legit changes but eventually she came up with those she thought were affected which I knew were not. For instance, she said that the word 'witch' was never in the Bible. I do know that it has always been there having had a discussion once with my father who told me there was no such thing as a witch, I referred him to the Bible quote, "Suffer no witch to live" and then there was also the witch that Saul consulted to hear from the prophet Samuel in the afterlife.

      She also said that "resist not evil" was never in the Bible. I know it to have always been there. To me it means that what you resist, will persist because your giving it vitality by acknowledging it's existence. That is a mystical kind of understanding they do not understand. There are other words like 'gay clothing' which has nothing to do with homosexuals for gay clothing in those days was like party clothes and that word I do remember being gay. She reads into the changes an agenda that she wants to present that whoever is doing this is trying to promote not just irreverence toward Jesus, but acceptance of the gay lifestyle. I like that she finds some good changes but don't trust all that she thinks she remembers as being different. There is an agenda on everyone's part in presenting what they think the Mandela Effect is all about. My agenda is to suggest that it may be a very good thing as it will most likely affect people's acceptance of scriptures as not being infallible as being false but it might also open them up to realizing that our reality is not defined by the Bible but that there are other realities. And they are realities that some few among us have explored somewhat. If what fundamentalist Christians believe to be true, were true, then we have a very bleak future indeed and billions of people go into a terrible place they call hell. Not what a loving God who knew the end from the very beginning would want if that one truly loved people. If that one were truly all powerful, this would not and could not happen.

      I am just going to observe where this Mandela Effect takes me and others and I find it fascinating indeed. I am not afraid of it at all. I am today listening to Ken Carey's book being read called "The Third Millennium" at this address

      One gets a whole new perspective from listening to that book being read. And truly, that is what needs to change, our own perspectives. I once wrote a short poem that went like this.
      World Chang or Me Change

      The World will not change until
      we change our perception of it
      We never hardly ever look at how we see things
      We still call things good and bad
      We fluctuate between the two
      One day we're up
      One day we're down
      Because we don't understand
      There is perfection in the PROCESS
      We don't really know what anything is for
      But we think we do
      And we don't know that we don't know

  6. I know what you are saying. Here is my theory of what's going on. The reptiles, it the royals are evil aliens in charge of humanity. The Mandela Effect aliens are good guys trying to destroy religion which the reptiles use to keep humanity separated. I completely understand where you would think, this is bad. Once you know my theory I hope it eases your mind a little. Also, I told Kat on Extol Yeshua Always youtube channel this theory and she has found some amazing facts in the bible. You should check out her queen video and her antichrist video and your honeatly gonna be shocked.
