Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Little Green Men

Before I begin I just have to rant for a second. My autocorrect is going crazy. I had to retype the title three times because my autocorrect could not spell those three words. I had to retype the first sentence. It's correcting me with nonsense. Words that don't even exist. Unless ltittle is a word? Rant off.

Anatomy has changed. I tell you that so that you realize we did not teleport here. Our souls were transferred. I make that distinction because humans do not have that capability. I have read thousands of Mandela Effect comments. I have not read one single comment where a person remembers a human transferring them from the previous dimension to this one. Humanity does not have the ability to transfer souls from one body to another. Therefore no human is responsible for the Mandela Effect. We don't have that level of technology. Every single person in this dimension is from a different dimension. How big of an army would it take to do that? More people than Cern or a quantum computer have. Until millions say, I remember a human snatching me from my old dimension it did not happen that way. Humans are fallible.

I spent the day researching the idea that aliens caused this. I started by looking for instances of time travelling aliens. I went several pages deep on google and I was getting no where.

Then I remembered the Flintstones changed. Let me dig deep into the history of the Flintstones. I typed in Flintstones and alien. I am making this story short. I got Gazoo. I started researching Gazoo. He is small, can fly, can time travel, and can make objects vanish into thin air.(Aka dimensional travel) I thought, by gosh, Gazoo has every power you would need to pull off the Mandela Effect.

You will love this, stay tuned it gets even better.

I thought what other two foot tall green skinned aliens exist? Yoda. Yoda is a two foot tall green skinned alien.

I thought, am I on to something. Let me search the Mufon database. I typed in entities yes and searched for the word green.

I got a story I could not believe about a black entity. A man came out of his bathroom. (What's up with these things and bathrooms?) A small black entity with red eyes was across from him in the hall. It flew up and flew into his closet where a green luminous light emanated. He doesn't really say what happened afterwards but it fit so close to what I was looking for.

The good part is a story was posted on the Mufon database from April of this year from California. It's a photograph of an alien. The Alien is small, green and like Gazoo has two antenna.

I thought, here is a photograph of what could possibly be the species causing the Mandela Effect.

I thing they are black sometimes, but when you get to see them in their natural state I think they are green.

Funny part, little green men cause the Mandela Effect.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I researched today. If Faerie's could be behind the Mandela Effect. I am looking at it as if they are an alien race. They can definitely jump dimensions.
