Saturday, August 20, 2016

Mandela Effect Government Agents

I have to start this with a story. A couple of years ago I asked the people on google+ to thumbs up a UFO comment I made on youtube. All of a sudden, 17 thumbs up got placed on another comment of a friend of mines. Looking at the accounts that placed the thumbs up, it became blatantly obvious these were fake accounts.

It was all pretty girl photo accounts. The description screens followed a script. Finally, and this was the real kicker all 17 accounts had the exact same post. In other words, these were fake, government accounts.

I tell you that to now tell you this. I have spent the night looking at youtube accounts of commentors on Mandela Effect videos.

Literally, there are fake government accounts all over the Mandela Effect videos. The biggest way to spot them. No activity. A normal human is going to use their cell phone to watch, post, like, and comment on videos. These accounts have no histories or very little. They are simply pulled out at times to carry out an agenda and create a mindset.

The mindset every single one of these accounts is promoting is the Mandela Effect is not real, and even more interesting, it's not parallel dimensions.

The biggest way to know your on to something, is when fake accounts start saying you are wrong.

I dare you to investigate the histories on Mandela Effect Deniers accounts. I found one video posted today that already, in six commentors, three were fake. Also, I found an account with three fake acounts down one comment and replies.

They are thick. Knowledge is power. Ignore them completely. If you own a youtube channel, delete them. If you leave a comment and they leave one, delete your comment so their reply goes bye bye. Then turn around and put your comment back out there.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Most of the Mandela/Matrix Effect deniers are scared, or angered by change. When the tipping point happens more people will be angry at people pointing out the truth, But in the end it will be obvious to everyone, because it's accelerating as far as I can tell.

  2. This just in. It's been pointed out the fake accounts are using letters for their account symbols. Also, THEY ARE USING UFOLOGIST NAMES. I found an account with my name. I know my ufologist, so I spotted this because a fake account was using Steve Jones name from Uncovering Aliens.

  3. This just in. It's been pointed out the fake accounts are using letters for their account symbols. Also, THEY ARE USING UFOLOGIST NAMES. I found an account with my name. I know my ufologist, so I spotted this because a fake account was using Steve Jones name from Uncovering Aliens.
