Monday, August 1, 2016

The Empire Strikes Back Mandela Effects

The Empire Strikes Back Mandela Effects.

The biggest issues I noticed had to do with continuity. Han had a massive scar on his chin, which I never saw before, in every scene except one. When he's frozen in Carbonite, the scars gone.

C3PO had a silver leg throughout the entire movie. When Artoo is putting him back together his legs gold.

C3PO has a blaster mark on his chest, very black in some scenes but not others. Artoo fluctuates from very clean to very dirty going down a cloud city hallway.

Lines were added or changed all over the place. C3PO had several added lines. Luke had several added lines.

Artoo had a corrosive streak running down his head at the scene when he fixes the hyper drive.

3PO had no dent in his head as he had through Star Wars.

The lines were changed with different words, like Yoda saying "Not this crude flesh," is now, "not this crude matter."

Several unrecognizable closeup scenes or scenes of people standing again.

Finally, and I never caught this in the other movies but I caught it big time here. Familiar lines with the scene being something different. The line, "Stand by Ion Control, Fire." Used to be looking at a woman sitting in front of a computer. Now during that line, it's a far away shot of Princess Leia.

The entire Star Wars trilogy I love so much looks like 300 dimensions got mixed up scrambled together and the movies put together scene by scene. If you want proof of the Mandela Effect watch the Star Wars Trilogy.

May the Force be With you Always.

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