Saturday, January 4, 2014

A very long alien abduction

I walked by my patio door and noticed hundreds of UFOs flying over a cornfield behind my house. I stopped and stepped out onto the patio. I heard a noise to my left looked and a large crowd of people were gathering. I lived on a major road. I started walking towards the crowd and noticed cars lined up all up and down this road. Around 200-300 people were in this crowd. We are watching this arial display when one of the ufos zooms over the crowd and says which of you is.. and it says my name. I remained quiet. Ufo zooms over the crowd again and repeats its question. I finally yelled, I am. Crowd moves away from me. A disk of light about four foot round flies down from the sky and lands in front of me. Ufo zooms by and says step onto the disk. I did. At that instant I shot upwards at a tremendous rate of speed. My first thought as I entered space was, I will die cause I cant breath. A voice in my head tells me I can breathe. I also thought I will freeze to death. Voice answers, no you won't. Best I can figure Im in some kind of bubble. I thought about the 300 witnesses, I laughed and said, "you were seen." Voice replies we will erase all of their memories. As I am conversing I am watching ahead, moving extremely fast. Stars, planets vip by. I am like wow this is beautiful. Its just like Contact with Jodi Foster.(keep this comment in mind and you can date this abduction later) only its real, its happening to me, I don't believe it. Finally, reach a planet with lights on. I laugh, am like its inhabited, it really is like contact. Only I start heading towards this planet. I land in a hanger bay that is bright white. A tall Nordic type being greets me and hands me a translation device. Tells me to follow it. We walk down a hallway into a classroom. I describe it as a classroom because smaller beings of all different species are sitting at what I would describe as desk. I was amazed at the different species. I walk to the front of the room and began teaching. As I open my mouth to talk, I panic. What am I saying. I don't want to teach this. Stop! For the love of God shut up. Only I couldn't. I kept talking. During the lecture I lost my memory of what happened afterwards. I know that when the book sight unseen came out this abduction went from making no sense at all. To making perfect sense. I was co-opted. I was literally trapped in my own body. This abduction happened between the movie contact and the book sight unseen.

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