Sunday, January 19, 2014

UFOs meet bigfoot in Pennsylvania

Book Review: Silent Invasion by Stan Gordon. You can visit Stans website here: This book is a combination of bigfoot and UFO sightings seen in Pennsylvania in the early 70's. Its almost like a daily diary of sightings. The book is a very fast read. The stories are what make this book so interesting. These are no ordinary bigfoot. My favorite case was when the witness saw bigfoot driving a UFO. There are numerous cases of bigfoot and UFOs in the same area presented. The bigfoot vanish into thin air. They are seen carrying glowing orbs. I found it interesting that bigfoot was seen by one witness twice in one night miles apart, with other witnesses. The biggest story in the book involves bigfoot and a UFO and the witness losing control. The locations in the book are often presented numerous times. Stan even talks about the government being interested in the cases. A highly entertaining read, that will have you scratching your head about bigfoot.

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