Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Aliens exist: Heres the proof

The question of whether or not we are alone in the universe has been answered. Aliens exist! Let us now turn to studying alien types. Here is a brief rundown on some of the metals and bodies proving aliens exist. The starchild skull was the first scientifically analyzed DNA sequenced alien. It has an alien mother and father. Ata was DNA sequenced 6 times. It has a human mother and an alien father. Metepec was DNA sequenced 6 times and also has a human mother and alien father. The metal from Dalnegorsk was scientifically analyzed and found to be alien. Debbie Ziegelmeyer and Frank Kimbler found pieces of the Roswell craft. Finally, and this is really the game over, the new book on San Augustin. They found over 50 artifacts, but the scientific analysis was done on around the higher teens number and included in the book. The next skeptical person I encounter, I can simply hand them a book and say, read.


  1. On Metepec, check out on youtube Ser De Metepec es 50% humano Maussan. Its in Spanish and from January last year

  2. it all sounds good but I am both a United States Department of Defense Intelligence Commander and what I need is something that looks similar to this - excerpt from my BOOK origination - BLOODLINE - we are looking at the human genome and have determined that we have descended from a GIANT NEANDERTHAL species or the NEPHI LIM domains have highly divergent sequences, apart from certain key residues. The sequence divergence allow a great many different binding sites to be grafted onto the same basic domain. The conserved residues are those involved in zinc binding or the hydrophobic core of the protein. The sequence signature of LIM domains is as follows:
    [C]-[X]2-4-[C]-[X]13-19-[W]-[H]-[X]2-4-[C]-[F]-[LVI]-[C]-[X]2-4-[C]-[X]13-20-C-[X]2-4-[C], but the genetic engineering was a directive from GOD to the Angels or EXTRA TERRESTRIALS which it turns out that their names are frequencies that can't be pronounced, with a hierarchy to include the wormholes to constellations. I found that MASIAH was an angel of GOD sent to Earth to save humanity, also known as the CHRIST. But we were given instructions by URIEL
